Downtown Neighborhood Association

What is the Downtown Neighborhood Association?

The DNA is a collection of individuals who live in downtown Dubuque who want to work together to improve the quality of life for neighborhood residents. 

What does the DNA do?

The DNA has four objectives, as stated in the association bylaws:

In service of these objectives, DNA activities could include, but are not limited to neighborhood event planning, public space cleanup, neighborhood education, and organization of other activities that provide for the common good of neighborhood residents. 

Have an idea for what the DNA could do next? Submit our Ideas Form!

Who should join the DNA?

Anyone who lives in the neighborhood area who is interested in improving the quality of life for all neighborhood residents! If you're interested in getting involved, check out or Join page!

Where is the DNA located?

The DNA comprises 25 city blocks ranging (generally) from the corner of 9th and Bluff streets to the corner of 17th and Central Ave. 

The neighborhood area totals 70 acres, is half a mile long, and is just under a quarter mile wide. 

See the map below for complete neighborhood boundaries.